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Cation-anion radius ratio of manganese difluoride

Cation-anion radius ratio of manganese difluoride
Edmund Answered Oct 12 2021

How to determine the cation-anion radius ratio for MnFX2?

MnF2 structure

I tried to calculate the rc/ra ratio using the relationships:




but that gives rc/ra>1 with the given a and c parameters, which is impossible. MnFX2 has a rutile structure, so the predicted ratio should be between 0.414 and 0.732.

Zapata Answered Oct 12 2021

You assumed that the cations touch along the c direction. They don't. In most ionic compounds you have only anion to cation contact and, therefore, any attempt to determine ionic radii from lattice parameters gives only the sum of the two radii, not the individual values. There are exceptions such as lithium iodide, in which the lattice parameters enable determination of an ionic radius for iodide, but then they carry no information about the lithium ion.

In principle, you could use the data on lithium iodide, where there is iodide-iodide contact, to get a radius for just the iodide ion. Then you turn to manganese(II) iodide, where anions contact cations, and get the sum of the manganese and iodide radii. Then subtract the iodide radius to get radius for manganese ion. Use that plus the lattice information for manganese(II) fluoride to get the fluoride radius. It all works perfectly -- if the radius of a given ion is the same in all its ionic compounds. Maybe it is to sufficient accuracy, maybe it isn't.

Manganese fluoride
CAS No:7782-64-1
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