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What are the Chemical Properties of Isopropyl Alcohol?

What are the Chemical Properties of Isopropyl Alcohol?
Waller Answered Dec 26 2023

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as 2-propanol, is a versatile organic compound with a molecular formula of C3H8O and a relative molecular mass of 60.10. It is a colorless, flammable liquid with a pungent odor and is miscible with water. Isopropyl alcohol finds extensive use as a solvent in the chemical industry for the preparation of pesticides, dyes, and pharmaceuticals.

Isopropyl alcohol

Molecular polarity of isopropyl alcohol

In molecular chemistry, the polarity of a molecule refers to the difference between positive and negative charges within the molecule. Isopropyl alcohol contains a hydroxyl (OH) functional group, which is a polar functional group, resulting in a highly polar molecule. The presence of the -OH group gives isopropyl alcohol strong solubility, allowing it to easily mix with water due to its highly polar nature.

The strong polarity of isopropyl alcohol makes it suitable for various practical applications. It is widely used in the chemical industry for the preparation of esters, aldehydes, ketones, and other substances. Its high polarity and low volatility make it an efficient solvent for dissolving many solvents. Isopropyl alcohol can be used as a cleaning agent, diluent, mordant, adhesive, and antifreeze due to its solubility and stability.

In summary, isopropyl alcohol is a polar organic compound with excellent solubility and stability. Its high polarity allows it to be used in the preparation of various chemicals and enables it to act as a versatile solvent. Its wide range of practical applications makes it an essential compound in industries such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and dyes.

Isopropyl alcohol
CAS No:67-63-0
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